Monday, September 8, 2008

Stupid joke contest

well.. people... we are STILL running the stupid joke contest in Arthur's Bar & Cafe.
The entries so far are.... well.. stupid. But not yet of the bottomless stupidity kind. So... you still have a chance. Hop over to Arthur's and submit your entry..... if you think you can help us out there. Or just come.. get your copy of the entries so far.. and vote for your favorite stupinator


yay... a sale....

Hey people....
Some time ago I made this little handbag... mostly because I wanted to have something with pearls on them. I put it up for sale in a ton of colours... even created a cheap fatpack.. but .. it simply didn't sell. But.. today.. someone actually bought it! I really like the thought that someone is running around the grid with my little bag, I only hope that will not be the only person.
Here a little picture of the green one... there are 11 colours .. and the fatpack is only 499 and has all colours in it? Individual bags are a mere 100$... and I think it is good value, the pearls are a really neat detail.. but .. hey .. I made it..*G*