Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween is ON!

Hey guys....
The scary season is on... and of course there are some special things to be found at my store, at the bar and at the Bay City Centre.

First... let me tell you about our Halloween treasure hunt at Bay City. You will be able to pick up selected treasures at all different places in Bay City.. IF you find the little ghosts the owners have hidden there for you! Come to Bay City beginning Wednesday to pick up a map and a list of participating places with landmarks.. and start searching! It's TRICK OR TREAT in BAY CITY

Of course Arthur's is all decked out in Halloweenish gear.. to get you into the right atmosphere. Admire our eerie singing pumpkin, or the fog that seems to be hiding the evil.. or the incredible growing pumpkin in the garden! Pick up Arthur's special Halloween Freebie box...err.. coffin!
Of course there is a new contest as well.. it will last until Halloween... and it is a PHOTO CONTEST. Submit your own scary photos... and vote for others... we already have a bunch of horrible entries!

Stingray has also put out some special Halloween items and put up some special decoration for the season. Both places will of course take part in the Halloween Bay City treasure hunt, so make sure you will be there!

The Bay City Centre is growing, come by for a board with landmarks to a great collection of fine venues in Bay City... or pick up a freebie from our affiliates (I especially recommend the pumpkin fighter!) Or just come by to mingle with us, chat, discuss or party!

Organizing all this makes it a little difficult for me to create new store items right now.. but that will come soon, I assure you.

so... people... take care! And beware of the Undead!
