Monday, November 17, 2008


Hello people
I have been really busy for a little while.. RL and SL.. .. so updates are rare. But I can fill you in a little on what is going on.
The Halloween season was a lot of fun.. with all the decorating and trick-or-treatin'... We had our great big Halloween Treasure Hunt at Bay City and generated some traffic (while having some fun). The Merchants and residents of Bay City are busy organizing events to make BC a great place to be... One of them was the Big Bay City Halloween Parade which took (some of) us to the Bridge towards Nova Albion to celebrate. It was great fun! Naturally we are looking forward to christmas ... all the things we have planned..*G
For now there is a Big Christmas tree in the Bay City Centre under which hopefully the store owners of BC will place their presents. Next to it you can so far get a cup of Glühwein and relax to seasonal music.... Keep looking out for more Bay City wide Christmas activity. I will keep you posted.
We also acquired an NCI Info-Node for the BCC... a nice asset, check it out if you can.
Another plan for the near future is the Bay City Explorer, a newspaper that will inform about the City, its venues and residents, what happens and what could happen. More as soon as it has some more substance.
Stingray has also thrown itself into the Christmas run... a nice set of Advent-candles in a bowl has been designed in various colors and is for sale at the main store. There is more decoration to come.
Arthur's is not yet ready for christmas and passes the time by writing out another contest: This time your job is to define a rather tantalizing term in a way that will convince the readers significantly. Try yourself at this hair-raising challenge!
So if I am not working on the seasonal decoration overflow you might catch me riding my bike around BC, dancing in the Bar or exploring the grid.. somewhere....

Ah.. before I forget.... Should you ever feel that the stressfull job life you are leading in Second life might wear you out.. and you need a holiday.. I do recommend the "Hotel vue des Alpes", a nice slightly retro (yay) virtual holiday resort somewhere in the WWW. You can book a room there (now for August 09, I saw) and once you can visit you can explore the great relaxing atmosphere and the total lack of communication you can get there. Enjoy the slowness of life and the fact that there are not tons of things that want you to interact! Sign up and enjoy!

Greetings.. K.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween is ON!

Hey guys....
The scary season is on... and of course there are some special things to be found at my store, at the bar and at the Bay City Centre.

First... let me tell you about our Halloween treasure hunt at Bay City. You will be able to pick up selected treasures at all different places in Bay City.. IF you find the little ghosts the owners have hidden there for you! Come to Bay City beginning Wednesday to pick up a map and a list of participating places with landmarks.. and start searching! It's TRICK OR TREAT in BAY CITY

Of course Arthur's is all decked out in Halloweenish gear.. to get you into the right atmosphere. Admire our eerie singing pumpkin, or the fog that seems to be hiding the evil.. or the incredible growing pumpkin in the garden! Pick up Arthur's special Halloween Freebie box...err.. coffin!
Of course there is a new contest as well.. it will last until Halloween... and it is a PHOTO CONTEST. Submit your own scary photos... and vote for others... we already have a bunch of horrible entries!

Stingray has also put out some special Halloween items and put up some special decoration for the season. Both places will of course take part in the Halloween Bay City treasure hunt, so make sure you will be there!

The Bay City Centre is growing, come by for a board with landmarks to a great collection of fine venues in Bay City... or pick up a freebie from our affiliates (I especially recommend the pumpkin fighter!) Or just come by to mingle with us, chat, discuss or party!

Organizing all this makes it a little difficult for me to create new store items right now.. but that will come soon, I assure you.

so... people... take care! And beware of the Undead!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Welcome Time

Hey people
Just a quick note before I go on a short trip I already wanted to start 3 days ago, but wasn't able to start before tomorrow morning.. due to unexpected circumstances (read: I had so many other things to do and was just lazy..)

My Bay City Landlord, Harris Givens, nice guy and very generous prim-provider, owns a few more lots in Bay City Moloch. Sick of just having them lying around empty he asked me what to do there, and .. a bottomless pit of ideas as I am (.. ahem..) I suggested creating a welcome and info centre for Bay City citizens, merchants, visitors and also for all newcomers, which we have plenty due to the relative nearness of welcome areas.
Actually.. I didn't suggest all of it.. Harris had the basic idea...
well.. whatever... I started building immediately. The result is a (in my eyes..) nice and airy (open air..) area, with info spots and a large social gathering place with a bar, a dancefloor and the usual array of cuddle and sit balls. We imagine this to be a great get-together place... a place to meet people, hold meetings, inform yourself and others and to just hang out if you want. My aim was to make it low-prim and modern.. yet cozy.. personally I like the result. Please come and visit.. chat with residents and merchants... and if you have any suggestion for improvement.. just IM me in world! If you are a merchant or business owner in Bay City you can have an ad space (with LM giver) for free! Contact me on that! There have been already a number of people coming by and looking ... so there is some exposure to be expected!
You find our Welcome area in Moloch, right next to the canal, (Arthur's is on the other side of it..) or go through search and look for "Bay City Centre" - we also have a group you can join.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Burning Times

Hello people,
Well.. the cat is buried .. found a really nice spot, so that is dealt with.
I am soothing my through various losses lately somewhat broken emotional self by trying to find some new areas of SL that I can explore.. and what may be better for this quest than the Burning Life Festival! It is close to its end... so .. go soon.. but I can tell you... it's worth it.
You can find builds and set-ups of various different groups and organizations on a vast area of 22 SIMs. There is so much creativity and talent to be seen there.. just as a lot of great humour and serious weirdness. just teleport in.. which will probably take you to Center Camp .. and use the Map or your feet or wings or whatever to take you around the place! You will see all kinds of great, weird or simply breathtaking builds.
I took some pictures.. only in the very close vicinity of Center Camp.. go and look yourself to get a real impression!
A view of the stage at Center Camp

You can find some good old family entertainment

Odd music machines

artistic prim arrangements

Displays that deal with environmental and political topics

shiny people posing on a train

Marshmallows taking hostages

and the grueseome results of attacking killer tomatos!

Well, this is just a very small amount of what can be found.. so come and look! Explore! Trust me on this one!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I have to solemnly announce the passing away of one of my fluffy roommates. She was a lively, talkative six year old cat, streetsmart and with the biggest green eyes you can imagine. She died by euthanasia this morning due to the uncurable suffering caused by an undisclosed obscure disease which caused her to be excessively anemic, puke all over the place and stop eating and drinking about 4 days ago. I am very sad, and don't feel like writing funny things right now.
Burial will be in a very private setting tomorrow in the countryside. She will get a nice restign place at the edge of the forest where she can look over the land.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hey people..
I will not be as elaborate as you might expect from me today, the reason is that I am typocapped... the cat bit me. My middle finger swell to double its size overnight, the family doctor sent me to a surgeon right away and now I am sitting here with a fixed middle finger in a short time cast... so big that I can write whole sentences with one stroke of the keyboard. Unfortunately they would look like this: rfujrt üöopei pasdfui. Meaning is rather low... so I have to go back to ancient times and type with less fingers, which takes ages. So... on to the topic: I took part in the audience of a
SLCN live TV show: Meta-Makeover. As an interior designer I do follow that show and liked the idea to have a look at the live thing. The current one is not the most exciting, since they talk about the building of their own studio, but it is spiced up by the fact that I can be seen in the audience from time to time..*G* just look for the wild red hair. If you go to the SLCN website you can watch the show.
SLCN is.. if you don't know it yet - an in-world TV program with a lot of interesting programming. You can pick up a free TV to watch it at Northpoint or get one on SLExchange. If you want to check it out you can also have a peek at the one I just put up at Arthur's Bar & Cafe. I set it to the regular live channel, you might be able to change channels if you want.
I also spent some money at pillow talk, one of the better places for poses... and bought a few really relaxed sit poses. I will add them to my furniture on sale over time, and of course beautify the old couches at Arthur's with them.

should you be interested in having nice pictures made of yourself: On the roof of the Rimutaka Park shop you can find a N30 Photostudio which you can use. The modeling table is equipped with a lot of nice poses. IM me if you need male poses... Iwill put them out then. I can also take pictures for you and photoshop them a little... for a small fee - of course. If you want to pay me in natural goods .. that can be negotiated.. *G
Wow...such a lot of text with only 8 fingers. I am amazed myself...


PS: I will add links later... finger is complaining. SLURL doesn't work for me anyway at the moment.... Does anyone else have that problem? Is there something I can do?


Monday, September 29, 2008

slow times

Hello people, I am not coming forward as much as I wish with this blog, which mainly has to do with the fact that I don't have too many interesting things going on in my second life right now. I am continuing to try and get Arthur's Bar & Cafe running, most of all by hanging out there myself (which hopefully draws in people when they see me there shaking my little butt..) and by trying to make the place interesting by keeping up the contest business.. at the moment there is a poetry contest going on - use all four words provided (bishop, puppy, maroon, fear) in a 4-liner... we already have a bunch of contestants and most of them provided really creative entries, so don't hesitate to go and have a look. The contest will run until October 3rd, noon CET, so you still have a chance. Or just go and vote.... the poets will be happy!

The Stingray main shop is slowly growing, besides creating a whole bunch of recliner chairs in cutsie colours I am still continuing to make new carpets and decorative items.
The Gallery received a whole new series of abstract paintings which are probably more decorative than artistic in nature, but those who know me understand that I never draw the line there too strictly anyway.
Kirani acessories is in the process of bringing out glasses in 5 colours, with small shiny pearl as a decorative element.
So piece by piece I am enlarging the amount of goodies... and don't forget the 4 lucky chairs that can be found in Rimutaka park and in the Stingray dependance in Bay City... some of what I consider not of use for me at the moment may even make its way into the Dumpster next to the Bay City shop, ready for diving.
After giving it some thought I decided to keep the small branch shop in Crack Monkey Cove, at the House of Divaz, mainly because the little mall there has by now acquired several high quality shops for interior decoration into which my products fit very well. I am a great supporter of branched malls, since it makes shopping life so much easier. If you have good LMs to branched areas (meaning... all shops sell items of a related nature...) please tell me so .. I would be happy to explore (and recommend, if they are worth it.)
On a personal note I have treated myself to two new skins, one of them massively freckled (as you can see on the accompanying picture...) and - remarkably - red-eyebrowed. Which is a sure rarity. I had to look around quite some time for a good red-head skin. This one certainly is (*CS* Charmed Skin Auburn). The other one is a photorealistic skin which is not as suited for photos as my other skins, but which has some amazing details, including moles in just the right places (Estelle Pale, by Insolence). Additionally it came with a shape I actually tried and then tweaked to suit me.. I do think the result is nice.. if maybe a little more conventional than I used to. I soothe myself by wearing the old shapes from time to time and even hanging out in my plus size shape sometime.. which goes amazingly well with both skins and made me think that maybe I should opt for a side-career as a plus size model (for which there is a market, which a little effort in search and Google will tell you.. Not all of SL is full of Bling Bimbos with wasp-waists.. *G*)

Well.. I will continue tinkering - and should I come up with interesting things - I will certainly inform you here.. *G*


Monday, September 8, 2008

Stupid joke contest

well.. people... we are STILL running the stupid joke contest in Arthur's Bar & Cafe.
The entries so far are.... well.. stupid. But not yet of the bottomless stupidity kind. So... you still have a chance. Hop over to Arthur's and submit your entry..... if you think you can help us out there. Or just come.. get your copy of the entries so far.. and vote for your favorite stupinator


yay... a sale....

Hey people....
Some time ago I made this little handbag... mostly because I wanted to have something with pearls on them. I put it up for sale in a ton of colours... even created a cheap fatpack.. but .. it simply didn't sell. But.. today.. someone actually bought it! I really like the thought that someone is running around the grid with my little bag, I only hope that will not be the only person.
Here a little picture of the green one... there are 11 colours .. and the fatpack is only 499 and has all colours in it? Individual bags are a mere 100$... and I think it is good value, the pearls are a really neat detail.. but .. hey .. I made it..*G*

Friday, September 5, 2008

First timer

Hey people.. here I am.... Blogging.
Not that this is my first attempt... I tried it at least 3 times before... but the result was usually... hm..... not satisfying. Maybe that was because I always felt restricted.. talking about my personal life.. I am not the person to put it all out there in general.
But for some time now I have been roaming the grid, and there... in the relative anonymity (yeah.. we all know that is only relative...) of virtual existence.. I thought I should go at it again. Things happen in my pixel-life... and in that strange game called RL... and I feel the need to talk about them. So I will give it a try. It will probably be random, certainly not very objective and not always SFW. That explains the adult content warning.. you never know.

I would like to introduce myself for a start:
I popped into existence on the Grid (to non informed people: Second Life, that totally hyped virtual "game" where people run around with little pixel-characters and constantly solicit sex from underagers... so they say... *sigh*) in January 2007. I spent some time wearing ridiculous clothes and hair.. and ... wings... and began to explore. I found tons of odd things, odd people and odd conversation. I soon made some friends, tried myself at virtual relationships, bought first land (yes.. I was one of the last I think...) and finally managed to shed the wings and get myself some decent clothes (the Last Call final sale had a lot to do with that!)
By now I am through 2 1/2 virtual love-affairs, one of them more than virtual, 35+ Hairstyles (all in red..), own a quarter Sim on Mainland (yes.. I am mad!) where I am still tinkering around on my furniture-shop and gallery(Stingray Art & Design), own and run a bar in Bay City (Arthur's Bar & Cafe) and generally try to make that whole SL thing fun for me and others.
I enjoy building, can't help but glue together some prims every other day, I play around with textures and even tried a little clothes-making, though that was not as good as I wished. I will probably leave that to REAL experts! I am a RL artist and put some of what I do in-world. I speak English and German .. and even some French if you force me.
So, that is me, and now you have the chance to get away from this blog before I bore you to death. But I thought you should know a little before you decide to spend more time reading.

I hope you will come back, though!

With happiest greetings

Kirachan Fitzgerald