Sunday, May 29, 2011


Ladies and Gents....
I have to admit it... I have a serious crush.
Actually.. it is more a serial crush.
And I don't know how it could take so long in my life to develop that.
If you are from the UK you might wonder in amazement... but I didn't see a single episode of Doctor who until about 5 days ago.
I accidentally stumbled on it on Itunes .. and was drawn in immediately. I started with Season 1 of the new series.... since it is the only one available there... and you can blame Mr. Eccleston ... but I am hooked.
It is the perfect combination of fantasy, science fiction, nerdy weirdness and romance .. mixed in with a load of great british humour. And suddenly I realize what all the blue police boxes are for that you can find around the Grid.....
Now... I am facing the dilemma that the BBC holds on to its products like an old lady to her handbag.. if you don't have a UK Ip you are stuck and all you can do is invest a fortune into buying the series (I did buy season 1... but I am hesitating...  Eccleston isn't in there anymore I am not sure I want to spend that amount of money for it..*G*)
And... I cannot buy it online.. I have to get the CDs. not fun. I want to load it on my Ipad....
Anyway. For the time being I can at least entertain myself with what the Grid has to offer DrWHOwise... and that is a lot. From the Tardis region to Katrina.... the NLS products and that of Novatech.... you can get all the DrWHO fix you want. I am now a proud owner of my own Tardis and as soon as I actually manage to use it you can see me flying it about.

I am totally fascinated by how much a story like that can draw me in..I even started reading Fan-Fiction! I guess I have hungered for stories lately.. work just took imagination out of my life a bit too much.
May that change...


Anonymous said...

Nothing of consequence really happens and you always know the doctor will be okay. Personally, if I could time travel and I was immortal I'd have a sit down with a cup of tea to ponder what it all means. Should all my life be spent rescuing species that mostly don't care weather I exist? A series/franchise constrained by a poverty of vision. 0.o

Kirachan Fitzgerald said...

I think you are interpreting way too much into a nice little piece of cheesy entertainment. I stressed the story element of it on purpose, because that is what it gives to me right now and what I seem to be lacking elsewhere. I don't usually rely on the BBC to supply me with triggers for philosophical ponderings... Though they are probably better equipped even for that than German networks....